MOVA® CONTOUR Facial Capture
- Over 100,000 polygons captured per scene
- Your optimal number of points tracked
- Sub-millimeter precision
- No surface offset
- Consistently tracked 3D geometry frame-to-frame, shot-to-shot
- Synchronizes with SMPTE time-code
- 24-120fps, 2-256 cameras
- Markerless setup: just apply makeup and go
- No lockdown. Performers move freely within capture volume.
- Retarget motion from any actor onto multiple characters, whether realistic or stylized
- Portable system can be set up at any light-sealed stage, anywhere!
- 3D production tools
- Autodesk® Maya®, MotionBuilder® & 3ds Max®
- Applications compatible with OBJ, C3D, Autodesk Point Cache 2 files, meshes, joints or bones
- Game Engines
- Unreal® and others
- Simultaneous marker-based capture
MOVA Contour Overview
Precise, Fast, Flexible
Facial Capture
Geni4 Facial Animation
MOVA Contour
Continuous Capture and
Facial Capture Phases
Four Phases of
MOVA Contour Facial Capture